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What kind of mobile device support does LibraryH3lp have?

12279 views   |   Last updated on Feb 12, 2025    webclient texting chat widget mobile


Every kind.  LibraryH3lp is mobile-friendly and designed with mobile devices in mind:

  • Chat box: The chat box widget, written in JavaScript, is optimized for mobile browsers. It has been tested extensively on the iPhone/iPad and the native Android phone browser.
  • SMS (text messaging): Our inexpensive SMS add-on features customized "we're offline" auto-replies, offline message delivery, and a dedicated phone number.
  • FAQs: Each FAQ comes with a mobile-specific version for guests using smartphones.
  • Ask a Librarian app for patrons: A free mobile app that lets any library (not just LibraryH3lp customer libraries) have a listing with geolocation, and patrons can "favorite" their local library for easy use.
  • Staffing client flexibility: LibraryH3lp supports staffing from your mobile device.  Mobile staffing is important primarily to support the increasingly popular model of "roving" librarians not tied to a physical desk.  You can staff the service using the webclient on a tablet, but we recommend that only for "emergencies" because the single-tasking nature of mobile devices doesn't let the web app continue to run in the background. (Unfortunately, that's a problem with any web app.)  Our recommended XMPP options provide push notifications. Popular mobile apps include Xabber (Android) and Monal (iOS) but others may work as well.

One of our most fun features is something we call "implicit transfers".  Because the system links all logins for a user account together, you can answer a chat on your mobile device, but all you have to do is log in on a desktop computer set your mobile status to "Away" on the mobile device, and then the conversation will seamlessly continue with a real keyboard on your desktop.


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