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What if I forget to logout?  Can I set auto-logout in the webclient?

4730 views   |   Last updated on Mar 19, 2025    staffing webclient


What if I forget to logout?

If you realize you've left yourself logged in on a computer that you cannot physically access and did not enable auto-logout, you can contact a local LibraryH3lp administrator to force a logout or alternatively you can also opt yourself out of your queue assignments. 

To opt yourself out of your queue assignments, sign into the webclient from any computer or mobile device and opt yourself out of all queues by unchecking the box to the left of  'Receive chats on ALL queues' located below the queue assignment toggles.  This will opt you out of your queues from all locations no matter what software client you are using.  Phew!  Then, logout as usual. You'll be able to opt yourself back in when it's time for your next shift.  Also, an administrator can still prevent online users from keeping a service falsely online

How can I set auto-logout in the webclient?

You can set the duration of your webclient login in any web browser, using either a timer countdown or a specific logout time. This way, if you forget to logout at the end of a shift, you will not leave your chat service falsely online for a long period of time.

You'll see the auto-logout option below the "Review staffing assignments before connecting" dialog box that shows up at each new login.  You can set any number of hours and/or minutes.  When that time has elapsed, you will be presented with a box that lets you know of the impending logout and lets you extend the time if needed.  If you don't respond to that auto-logout prompt, you will be completely signed out in one minute.






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