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How do snapshots work within the Sharing Tool?

3091 views   |   Last updated on Nov 05, 2024    sharing tool snapshots screenshot


You can create snapshots from a guest's screen during screensharing. Or you can upload your own screenshots or any other image of your choice to become snapshots.  In short, any image can become a snapshot.

When you’re chatting in the webclient, you can send images to the guest without launching the Sharing Tool.  If you’re sending a screenshot, you’ll capture it initially using another tool, such as a snipping tool, your computer’s native screenshot feature, or a tool like Jing. Once you have an image on your clipboard, you can simply paste your screenshot or other image right into the chat's typing box.  You’ll get a prompt asking if you want to just send it as-is, or if you’d like to edit it in the Sharing Tool.

Within the 3mail module, you can use the drawing tools in the snapshot editor to annotate images you’d like to insert into email drafts. 

The Sharing Tool's snapshot annotation features include rectangles, lines, arrows, text, and highlights. You can also zoom and crop to focus in on areas of interest in the snapshot. All of these actions are done by clicking, holding, and dragging the mouse in the image with the exception of adding text in which case you simply click where the text should be inserted and start typing.

Snapshots can be sent to the guest during a chat and/or saved to local disk for posterity.


Snapshot Overview

Snapshot example: In memory of our sweet and recently departed hound, Sprinkles.


How Snapshots Look to Guests during a Chat

During a chat if you sent a snapshot to the guest, snapshot thumbnails appear in the transcript.  Guests can click on snapshot thumbnails to open the full snapshot in a new browser tab or window. 

screenshot of shared image for guest


During a chat shared snapshot thumbnails also appear in the chat transcript when using the webclient for staffing.  By default, the images are hidden.

screenshot of shared image for operator


But image thumbnails can be revealed by clicking on the Show button associated with the snapshot in the transcript. 

screenshot of revealed shared image for operator

Clicking on the snapshot thumbnail (or file link if the thumbnail is hidden) opens the full snapshot up in a new browser tab or window.


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