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4340 views | Last updated on Jan 07, 2025 Ebsco chat widget integrations
If you are following the EBSCO instructions for configuring LibraryH3lp, here are some helpful hints for entering your subscription information.
There are two ways to embed chat within classic EBSCO.
1) You can include any LibraryH3lp chat snippet inside an EBSCO widget within the EBSCO admin interface.
The caveat with this is that the referring URLs associated with chats will not take librarians to the actual page the patron is on when clicked. This is because the URL available as the patron navigates around EBSCO is not the same as the permanent link EBSCO assigns to that page.
2) EBSCO offers a customization that allows the permanent link of a page to be captured as the referring URL of a LibraryH3lp chat.
The caveat with the customization is that you can only have an embedded chat box with this solution -- no option for customized online/offline images.
Here is a rough outline of the steps to use the EBSCO customization...
Now on the results page, the embedded chat box will be in the right sidebar. On the detailed records page, the chat box will be at the bottom of the record. The embedded chat box will carry the user's current chat conversation from window-to-window as they navigate the results list and detailed records pages, so they won't lose their place in the chat.
Custom Code template: <script id="libraryh3lp-app" data-plink="ep.PermaLink" data-url="https://libraryh3lp.com/chat/YOUR_QUEUE@chat.libraryh3lp.com?skin=CHAT_BOX_SKIN_ID" src="https://widgets.ebscohost.com/prod/simplekey/libraryh3lp/libraryh3lp.js"></script>