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13290 views | Last updated on Mar 06, 2025 chat widget API
Yes! Direct URLs take the guest to your chat box with a single click and are useful for sharing with guests on social media, in emails, by text message, etc. Anywhere you need a link rather than a chat snippet. You can also embed chat boxes using the direct URL in an iframe, or link to it from any kind of button.
Pro tip! Besides the kind of direct URL we'll discuss in detail in this page, there is an alternative version that lets you provide email contact when chat is offline.
The instructions below show you how to create a direct URL from scratch, but if you already have a chat box on a web page somewhere that you wish to use, there's a short cut!
Go to the web page where you have the chat box you wish to use.
Now inspect the URL of the chat box window. This is what you are after.
IMPORTANT NOTE for embedded and follow-me: The URL of the popped-out box is almost the URL that you'll want to share with guests. One minor edit is desirable -- remove the references to popout and sounds.
The example URLs in the main part of this document are for those with subscriptions (or trials) on the main server. If you are using another regional server (ca.libraryh3lp.com, eu.libraryh3lp.com, or sg.libraryh3lp.com), you'll need to adjust the base URL in two places:
If your subscription is on the Canada regional server, the completed bare URL example is: https://ca.libraryh3lp.com/chat/queue-name@chat.ca.libraryh3lp.com
Regular chat box attached to a queue on the main server:
Regular chat box attached to a user* on the main server:
*Note: Chats sent to specific users (and not over a queue) are treated as private conversations and are not logged, so they will not show up in Activity or Reports. These chats also can't be transferred. To provide logging and transfer capabilities for an individual, create a queue and assign only that one user to it.
The URL examples above connect guests with either a queue or user but come with our default chat box styling. If you want to customize the appearance of the chat box, you'll need to add a skin. You can create and manage skins within the Widgets page of the admin dashboard. There you can add a title, change colors, customize your identity, provide custom CSS, turn sound on by default, etc... Once you have your skin ready use the skin widget argument and provide your skin's ID number:
You can override some skin settings if needed in your URL. In the following example, a chat box title of "Ask Us" is provided, and sound is turned on by default:
Here is a complete list of arguments you can use in the direct URL:
Add a title and pick a new theme
CSS Hooks
The keyword to supply your own CSS is "css" and the argument should be a URL pointing to your file. Your customizations override the default so that you can leverage what's already provided without having to reinvent the wheel. An example:
Title and CSS