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6825 views | Last updated on Dec 12, 2024 webclient disconnected
The webclient for staffing does not have any automatic time-outs other than the user-configurable auto-logout settings.
The webclient stays in constant background communication with LibraryH3lp's server to make sure that the user is connected and able to respond to chats. It uses websockets to maintain this connection and sends small amounts of data back and forth between the user's web browser and our servers, in a "ping/pong" style. When the webclient running in your web browser cannot reach the LibraryH3lp server, it displays a warning and sets the user to "busy" status, so that they won't be offered any brand new chats, and it tries to reconnect automatically. If the webclient is unable to auto-reconnect within a couple of minutes, it gives up and alerts the user that it has become disconnected, so that they can login again.
As an initial step, it never hurts to clear cache and specifically LibraryH3lp cookies.
Today's web browsers are busy places, and users often have lots of tabs open to different web sites. In order to improve performance, web browsers allocate resources to tabs that are detected as active, usually through being visible to the user on the screen, or through being the top-most tab.
For most websites, removing resources to inactive tabs is relatively harmless, but for the webclient, an ongoing real-time connection is required so that you can receive chats at any time from guests, even while you are working on other things. You do not want the web browser to sneakily remove resources to the webclient's tab. Here is what we know about managing this behavior:
Your organization probably has network devices between your computer and our servers. Sometimes these are configured in a way that will interfere with your ongoing webclient connection.
If you've been over these things and need more assistance, or if you need connection logging details from our side, please email us at support@libraryh3lp.com.
For Windows users, there are a couple of places to go looking for settings related to idle time and sleep/hibernate. One is in Power & Sleep -- this shows both a summary of when to sleep and hibernate (turn off) when on battery versus plugged in, AND on some computers, it also shows a setting related to what to do about the network when the PC is asleep and on battery:
The other place is in Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Power Options. Here you can set up power plans or change an existing power plan -- default is "Balanced". This mostly duplicates the above Power &: Sleep but has a different user interface and a way to fine-tune some things.
The two main areas are the Energy Saver and Screensaver, both in System Preferences.
In Energy Saver, note that there are separate settings for when on battery power versus using a power adapter.
Make sure to have "Prevent computer from sleeping automatically when the display is off" checked. Also set "Turn display off after..." to Never.
In Desktop and Screen Saver, set "Start after" to Never.
If the above proves insufficient, you might try the built-in Caffeinate tool in a terminal window; please read the man page for more information. Or, you can try installing a utility that prevents the Mac from sleeping, such as Caffeine.
Despite all our efforts to make the webclient as reliable as possible, it will not work well for everyone. Locally-installed clients (those installed directly on a computer rather than only running through the web browser) will always be more robust than a browser-based client because they tie into your operating system directly whereas browser-based clients are sandboxed from the operating system by the browser. You may have to use one of these.