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How do I clear cache and LibraryH3lp cookies?

8696 views   |   Last updated on Jun 27, 2024    cache cookies



When LibraryH3lp software updates go out, sometimes users will need to clear cache in order to get the latest from the servers.  Look for a purple notice about updates near the top of the screen in the webclient and admin dashboard.  Usually the easiest way to quickly clear cache is to click the browser's "reload" button while holding down the SHIFT key (if using Chrome or Firefox) or the CTRL key (if using IE11 or Edge) .  

Clearing LibraryH3lp cookies

Rarely, cookies may need to be cleared as a troubleshooting mechanism.  Rather than clearing all of a user's cookies, it is fine to only clear LibraryH3lp domain cookies.


Look for the padlock icon next to the URL bar when on the LibraryH3lp webclient or dashbaord web page.  Click the padlock and follow the "cookies" option to see cookies in use for that server.  The cookies and site cache can be conveniently deleted from there.


Look for the padlock icon next to the URL bar when on the LibraryH3lp webclient or dashboard web page.  Click the padlock and follow the "Clear cookies and Site Data..." link at the bottom.  Cookies can be cleared easily from the subsequent menu.


Click on the three dot/ellipsis located in the top right corner.  Select Settings  then go to Cookies and site permissions.  Next, click on Cookies and site data then select "See all cookies and site data".  Click on the trash can icon next to LibraryH3lp.com to delete the cookies.


Look for the padlock icon next to the URL bar when on the LibraryH3lp webclient or dashboard web page.  Click the padlock and then click on "Site settings" at the bottom.  Cookies can be cleared easily from the subsequent menu by clicking "Clear data."


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