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What is a queue?

435 views   |   Last updated on Aug 27, 2024   


Queues are how LibraryH3lp routes incoming chats from guests to multiple operators at the same time. 

Let's say that you work for a library. From the guest's external point-of-view, you are a library, but of course internally you have branches and departments, individuals, and specialties.  When the guest contacts the "library" (via chat, phone, or email), job one is to direct him or her the individual or department best suited to provide help. To facilitate this, LibraryH3lp breaks the concept of a widget into two pieces: a chat box and a queue.  The widget is still a chat box on your web page, and the queue specifies the target or destination of the chat.  Another way to think of a queue is as a tag or a label.  Some librarians are reference librarians, some are science specialists... some are even both.  Queues are a way to organize your users.  So you can have a widget in your page that targets your circulation or reference queue, but when an ILL question comes in you can transfer that chat to your ILL queue (tag/label) so the guest receives the most appropriate help.  Because widgets and queues are separate, this works whether the chat comes in from the web, IM, or SMS.

In order to receive incoming chats from guests, both of these have to be true:

  1. You need to be assigned as an operator on at least one queue.
  2. You have to be opted into staffing your assigned queue



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