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Queues are how LibraryH3lp routes incoming chats from guests to multiple operators at the same time. In order to receive incoming chats from guests, both of these have to be true:
When you log into the webclient for your chat shift, you are greeted by a selection window that presents a list of queues to which you are assigned. At this point, you can opt into or out of staffing these assignments which controls whether or not you receive incoming chats from guests on the assigned queues. These settings are remembered from login to login so you don't have to set them every time you log in.
If you want to receive incoming chats from guests on a queue, make sure the "YES" button associated with that staffing assignment is green.
When you are opted OUT of staffing at least one queue, you'll see a purple alert message which reminds you that you won't receive any chats from guests on that queue while opted out.
In the selection window and at the bottom of your queue assignments list, there is a handy "Receive chats on ALL queues" checkbox. You can use this to ensure all staffing assignments are set to YES. Folks assigned to a lot of queues will find this checkbox especially useful. Also folks with a lot of staffing assignments may need to scroll in order to review them all before connecting.
Fast forward. Let's say you've reviewed your staffing assignments and connected. What if you wish to change those staffing assignments later? You can do that without logging out and then back in! Look for the "Staffing Assignments" tab in the Contacts sidebar. The tab heading also reflects how many queues you are staffing from your assigned queues. For example in the screenshot below, the operator is assigned to 3 queues and staffing all of them -- so 3 out of 3 or 3/3.