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What client software can I use to answer incoming guest chats?

12797 views   |   Last updated on Sep 19, 2023    client staffing


LibraryH3lp offers a web browser-based chat client that seamlessly integrates with key LibraryH3lp features like transfer, send file, and blocking of abusive patrons.

You can access the webclient using any modern web browser at:

Webclient Overview video:

Other Options

Any chat client that supports the XMPP (Jabber) chat protocol can be used to staff the service and answer chats. XMPP clients are available for Windows, Mac, Linux, iPad, iPhone, Android, and pretty much any mobile device you can think of. So which client to choose? Below is a list of guidelines along with some pros and cons.  Have fun and experiment to find the best match.

  • Browser-based clients, of which the native LibraryH3lp webclient is one example
    • Often favored by operators only staffing chat for particular shifts.
    • Convenient, nothing to install. Runs in your favorite web browser. 
    • More info
  • Desktop clients (e.g. Pidgin, Adium, Psi)
    • Usually favored by operators already using an IM client.           
    • Integrate LibraryH3lp with your existing IM workflow.           
    • Maximum flexibility for alerting features.           
    • Auto-away on keyboard and mouse idle time.        
    • More info 
  • Mobile apps (e.g. Xabber for Android)
    • Best for staffing from a smart phone, iPad, or other tablet.           
    • Superior to staffing in your browser on a mobile device.
    • Provide background alerting for new messages. No need to keep chat client at front for reliable new message alerting. Can even lock device and receive alerts of new chats.  
    • More info

IMPORTANT:  When answering chats from a 3rd party chat client (not the LibraryH3lp webclient), you will need to follow the link sent at the beginning of the chat to do specialized things such as transfer, send files, and block.


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