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6825 views | Last updated on Aug 27, 2024 sharing tool snapshots screen sharing
All that is required to use the Sharing Tool is a modern web browser, no browser extension or plugin needed. Unlimited use of the Sharing Tool is included with your subscription at no extra charge.
The Sharing Tool lets you:
The Sharing Tool has its own URL that you can use to create snapshots, screencasts, and slideshows outside the context of a chat so you can use it in your daily workflow for doing things like creating content for documentation, tutorials, and guides.
The Sharing Tool opens up in its own window and is available when you staff chat in the webclient or other chat clients (like Pidgin or Adium) and from the Chat History page (webclient or dashboard).
Launching the Sharing Tool for a chat in the webclient for staffing
When launching the Sharing Tool during a chat in the webclient, you can continue your conversation with the guest in the Sharing Tool window so you don't have to go back and forth between windows to chat with the guest.
Launching the Sharing Tool for a chat from a desktop chat client (like Pidgin or Adium):
To access the Sharing Tool, follow the chat management link that is included at the beginning of each chat. Clicking on that chat management link will take you to a page which looks similar to this:
Launching the Sharing Tool for an active chat from the Chat History page (webclient or dashboard):
Select a chat to see its transcript and chat management buttons.
Within the 3mail module, you can use the drawing tools in the snapshot editor to annotate images you’d like to insert into email drafts.