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Why won't my chat snippet work? It just says "chat loading..." or "JavaScript disabled or chat unavailable."

2302 views   |   Last updated on Sep 11, 2024    chat widget installation


If this is the first time you are adding the chat snippet to a web page...

It might be that the HTML editor you used to insert the chat snippet into your web page has stripped out the JavaScript portion of the chat snippet. Try placing the HTML editor in "raw" or "advanced" mode and re-pasting the chat snippet.

A bit of background on chat snippets... They have two basic parts: a DIV element which is the "chat loading..." part, and a script. The DIV is a placeholder that determines where chat appears on your web page.  The script does the heavy lifting of contacting our servers and, if successful, replacing the "chat loading..." with your actual chat service which may or may not be online.

If the above troubleshooting steps do not work, then it could be that the CMS your website uses does not allow you to insert JavaScript. In that case, you have a couple other options. One option would be to insert the chat box with an IFRAME.

But sometimes IFRAMEs aren't allowed either (e.g. hosted Wordpress sites). If you can't use either JavaScript or an IFRAME, then the best option is to create an attractive custom "Chat with us" image, and open your chat box in a new window when the user clicks your chat image. This is done by wrapping your attractive image in a link that has a target of _blank. Here's an example of this technique for the main server:

<a href="https://libraryh3lp.com/chat/MY-QUEUE-NAME@chat.libraryh3lp.com" target="_blank">
  <img src="https://myorganization.edu/myimage.png" alt="chat with us" /></a>

Or if the chat snippet is fine and suddenly your browser stops showing chat...

Review your browser extensions and add-ons.  Privacy protection extensions and add-ons (like Privacy Badger) may be blocking content from LibraryH3lp and you'll need to add us to your allowed sites list.  Also you should double-check that JavaScript is enabled for your browser.


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