Want to build your own 24/7 FAQ knowledge base?
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What configuration options are available for the FAQ module?

4287 views   |   Last updated on Jan 31, 2025    FAQ


Adding FAQ sites

Each subscription (and trial) includes unlimited FAQ sites at no extra charge. You can add FAQs in the FAQ management tab of the admin dashboard.

Who can edit a FAQ?

By default, only users with full administrative privileges can edit anything within an FAQ site. If you have additional users to which you'd like to grant edit permissions, please e-mail support@libraryh3lp.com and we'll create a special FAQ Editors group for you.

Site-wide settings


Your FAQ site's URL depends on the regional server where your subscription lives.

By default, NAME is the top-level username for your subscription. However, this name can be changed to whatever you'd like, provided someone else hasn't already nabbed it. We also support CNAMEs.


Each FAQ offers the option of password protection so that only your operators have access, letting you use the FAQ as an internal knowledgebase.

Chat Integration

Choose any of your queues for the real-time chat integration. You may even want to create a FAQ-specific queue to help with service assessment.

E-mail Integration (when chat's unavailable)

A FAQ site's e-mail integration can be either an e-mail address or a URL. The URL allows you to link any existing e-mail contact form you already provide for guests. The e-mail address hooks into our built-in, customizable e-mail contact form which gathers guest information and e-mails you the guest's question.


Look and feel for a FAQ is highly customizable. You have access to all the underlying templates used to create the three basic types of pages, giving you complete control over the look of your own FAQ site. Restructure and build upon the default templates as needed to best suit your needs. But you don't have to start from scratch, we offer 18 preconfigured themes. Most of which are shown in the video below.

To get an idea of what a theme will look like on your site, you can override the default theme by appending a theme argument to the URL. Here's an example:


The possible themes are: amelia, cerulean, cyborg, default, default2, flatly, littlechambre, journal, readable, readable2, simplex, simplex2, slate, spacelab, spruce, spruce2, superhero, and united.

Widget skin

Each theme includes a default widget skin for the real-time chat integration. Or you can use a customized skin.


We take care of the hosting and your FAQ gets its own address. You can also opt to create a custom URL for your site within your own domain as a CNAME. This means that instead of your guests seeing your FAQ URL as NAME.ask.libraryh3lp.com, they will see your own domain instead, for example, faq.myschool.edu. Your network administrator will be able to help out with the needed DNS tweaks on your end. Once that DNS work is done, simply plug the CNAME into your FAQ settings. There are no extra charges for setting up CNAMEs.


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