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Can I use canned messages when chatting with guests?

15875 views   |   Last updated on Jul 30, 2024    staffing canned messages


Canned messages for staffing via the webclient

If you use the webclient for staffing chat, then yes!  Operators can be assigned to shared pools of canned messages and/or create their own (private) canned messages.

Administrators can create shared groups (pools) of canned messages and assign operators to them using the canned messages management page in the admin site. Administrators can create multiple pools of messages and thus provide different messages for different groups of staff, or different categories of messages, if desired.

Using Canned Messages during a Chat

Both shared and personal canned messages are easy to use during a chat and can be manually inserted by operators within the webclient. A button that allows you to insert a canned message comes with every chat.

insert canned message button


Canned messages can also be inserted via type-ahead suggestions when composing replies to guests during a chat. The list of canned messages is whittled to match what has been typed.  If no matches are found, the type-ahead suggestions will disappear.

type ahead suggestions

To select a canned message from the type-ahead suggestions using only the keyboard, press the Tab key and the first canned message in the list will be selected. Then use the arrow keys to traverse the list. Once your desired canned message is selected, press the Enter key to insert it into the typing area. From there you can edit it if needed before sending.

Operators can disable type-ahead in their webclient preferences under "Chat Window Settings" if desired.

webclient canned message preferences

Creating and Managing Private Canned Messages

Within the webclient, users can review their shared canned messages and manage private canned messages by clicking the pencil icon in the navigation sidebar.

webclient navbar, canned messages


Pro Tip! You can create, edit and delete personal canned messages within the webclient, but you cannot manage shared canned messages. To manage shared canned messages, you must go to the admin dashboard.


To add personal (private) canned messages, click the blue circle with a '+'.

add a personal canned message

And you can use the editor that appears to create your personal canned message. Click ADD when done.

personal canned message editor



Canned messages when staffing other ways

LibraryH3lp canned messages are only available to operators in the webclient, but there are ways to mimic canned messages in other clients. Since there are numerous ways to staff a LibraryH3lp service, a more complete answer depends on which specific staffing client is in use. 

  1. You can also use Profile Pages (built via the admin site) to provide canned messages that your staff will cut and paste.  Staff access the profile pages by clicking on the queue avatar on each chat window in the webclient, or by following the link to the chat management page in all other chat clients (like Pidgin or Adium).
  2. If you're staffing chat with Pidgin, try the Text Replacement plugin. It is included with Pidgin but not enabled by default. More info.

Other clients may have similar features available.  While we have not tested them, it sounds like TextExpander or Quicksilver would probably do the trick for Mac users running Adium.


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