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Do you have any materials I can use to promote our LibraryH3lp services or the Ask a Librarian app?

2670 views   |   Last updated on Sep 20, 2023    LibraryH3lp Ask a Librarian app promotional materials


There are a number of ways to promote your LibraryH3lp services to guests. In particular, we provide materials to create flyers, table tents, and bookmarks. You can easily customize any of the materials by replacing the placeholder URL with your website URL. All printable materials are available for download in Microsoft® Word format.


Social Media

If you would like images in a different language, please contact us with your request as well as translation.

If you would like images for a different social media platform, please contact us with your request.

Printable Flyer

Printable Table Tent


Ask a Librarian



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