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Can guests select the queue on which they wish to chat?

1449 views   |   Last updated on Dec 09, 2024    queues chat


Yes, you can set up your service so that the guest chooses their routing. There are lots of ways to do it. Here are three specific examples that show some different takes on this idea.

1) The University of Wisconsin-Madison shows a table style listing of availabilities and then lets the patron click their preference. They use pop-out style widgets. The pop-out style widgets let you customize your online appearance to be anything. So in this case, the online appearance is rounded rectangles with an availability indicator. Then once clicked, the patron gets a nicely customized widget.



2) Southwest Baptist University has a very slick page that includes a drop-down selector located above an embedded widget.



3) Elmhurst Public Library displays two separate chat boxes, side by side on the same page, so guest can contact the appropriate help desk. They use a snippet for the Adult Desk chat box and then they use https://docs.libraryh3lp.com/presence-js to do the Kids’ Help Desk chat box.


Examples 1 & 2 above use our Presence API. Here are examples of how to use the presence API in PHP and JavaScript. Feel free to e-mail us at support@libraryh3lp.com if you get stuck or have questions.


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