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How do I style fields and other elements in my entry form?

910 views   |   Last updated on Jan 13, 2025   


You can use CSS to style most any part of your entry form.  To override the default styling, use the Wicked CSS Hacks (entry form area) and then modify to add styling as desired.

Screenshot of styling entry form elements


Below are some contrived examples to easily show the mechanics for styling common form elements.  You will swap in your own details such as colors, etc...

form #instructions {font-style: italic; font-size: 0.9em;}

form .form-group [name="name"] {background-color: #F5EEF8;}

form .form-group [name="email"] {background-color: #EAFAF1;}

form .form-group [name="question"] {height: 100px;}

form button {width:100%; background-color: green; color: white;}


For custom form fields, use the internal metadata field name.  For example, for a custom field with the field name "graduationyear," the following CSS will provide a background color:

​form .form-group [name="graduationyear"] {background-color: #EBEDEF;}


If you need any help customizing styling, please contact LibraryH3lp support. We're happy to help!


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