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Tell me more about your single sign-on (SSO) beta

362 views   |   Last updated on May 23, 2024   



Our SSO allows your staff to sign in using their local credentials instead of their separate LibraryH3lp username and password.

Optionally, the local administrator can fully disable Libraryh3lp username/password authentication, so that SSO authentication is required.

The local administrator can map each user's SSO identifier (local username) to the associated LibraryH3lp username as part of initial setup, or users can associate them at their first SSO login.


Any SAML-based single sign-on (SSO) system should work.  This includes Shibboleth and most Active Directory implementations, as long as they support SAML. 

Your Identity Provider (IdP) must release user details to our Service Provider (SP) in a Name Identifier <NameID> element within the SAML <subject> element

Your IdP must release an identifier that stays persistent for each user across logins, not one that is transient and will change. 

We are set up for three NameID formats (persistent, emailAddress, and other/custom):
1) urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent
2) urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress
3) "other" which means you can plug in something besides "persistent" or "emailAddress" using the SAML "urn" syntax as seen above.


You will still need to create LibraryH3lp users for your staff; LibraryH3lp user creation is not automated through SSO.

We do not at present have any guest-related SSO features. 

Note: if guests are already authenticated on your web site, AND you have an entry form on the chat box, then a hidden entry form field on the chat box can receive the guest’s identity dynamically as a URL parameter.



If you'd like to try it out, please contact us at support@libraryh3lp.com.  We'll need a metadata URL for your IdP.  Thanks!


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