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Do you have a chatbot feature?

972 views   |   Last updated on Apr 24, 2024    chatbot AI


Psst: insider info!  As of spring 2024, we are in active development on turnkey AI features.  You can email us at support@libraryh3lp.com for more info.

We do not at present have a turnkey feature that lets a customer quickly build a chatbot using keywords or AI.  However, customers who are motivated to do so can rollout their own bots, and we offer tools to help get you started.

At its heart, LibraryH3lp uses XMPP as its chat communication protocol. A chat bot will log into LibraryH3lp just as any human operator would and receive/send messages using XMPP. It's just that for human operators, we provide the webclient interface which takes care of the sending/receiving of XMPP messages.

To help get folks started with the mechanics of bot implementation, we have an example AnswerBot that can also transfer to human chat operators. It's a very simple bot which uses Slixmpp, a Python library that handles XMPP. Even if you do not use Python, the example code might be useful since all XMPP client libraries work more or less the same way.

The next thing to know is that LibraryH3lp has additional features on top of XMPP, like transfer, emailing of chat transcripts, tag for followup, etc. These can be accessed via our REST API.  We offer a Python SDK but of course you can make requests to our REST API in any language you like.


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