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SMS opt-in policy

286 views   |   Last updated on May 16, 2024    texting SMS


LibraryH3lp customers can optionally have texting (SMS) services to further support consumer help interactions.  For example, our library customers can offer their patrons ("consumers") a way to contact the library for assistance through texting. We adhere to best practices from the CTIA and any policies used by our infrastructure providers, Twilio and Bandwidth.

Our SMS service is conversational, just like our web-based chat service.  Our customer's SMS number is typically advertised by the customer to their consumers on a web page, flier, bookmark, etc... The consumer initiates the SMS conversation by sending the first message, and this initiates a two-way conversation using our customer's SMS number. 

Since the consumer initiates the two-way conversation, our SMS opt-in uses implied consent.  No further verbal or written permission is needed from the consumer to interact with our customer during that SMS conversation.


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