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What alerting options are available for chat?

12234 views   |   Last updated on Jul 10, 2024    staffing alert chat widget webclient


For the guest

On the guest side, the chat box offers a simple sound alert on each new message from the operator. You can opt to have the notification sound on or off by default on your chat boxes.

For the operator

On the operator side, the answer all depends on which client you use to staff chat.

Webclient for staffing:

  • Visual: Desktop Notifications provide excellent visual alerting, even if the webclient is minimized or buried in the background underneath many other application windows.
  • Audible: New message sound alerts are available in all tested desktop web browsers. Users can choose from various sound alerts or opt out of sound alerts completely under the Preferences tab. The guest's first message results in a sound alert that loops for all receiving operators until the chat is answered by someone. Subsequent messages from the guest result in one sound alert per message.

Pidgin and other external staffing clients

If you use Pidgin and our LibraryH3lp Pidgin plugin, you can configure the number of seconds for a looping audio alert for new chats.  Pidgin users can also install the Guifications plugin for better visual alerting.

Users of other clients should look at their alert settings; these are usually quite flexible.


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