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994 views | Last updated on Sep 10, 2024 chat policy
Our Gen 2 chat skins provide a handy and flexible way to communicate policy information to the guest. You can opt to have:
By default, no policy exists. If there is no policy, the guest's chat box will not have a policy icon. If a policy is provided, then the guest's chat box will display a policy icon.
Left: guest's chat box with no policy icon. Right: guest's chat box with policy icon.
The policy is created within the chat skin editor. The guest sees the policy as an overlay, either upon selecting the policy icon or, if the policy is required, by initially interacting with the chat box's typing are.
Left: chat policy present in chat skin editor but does not require guest acknowledgement. Right: guest sees policy as an overlay after selecting the chat policy icon.
If the policy is present and also is required, then the guest will see the policy as an overlay when they initially select the typing area in the chat box. They must acknowledge the policy with a checkbox before they can send the first chat message.
Left: making a chat policy required in the chat skin editor. Right: guest agreeing to the policy in the chat box.