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Does chat work with LibGuides?

14087 views   |   Last updated on Jun 04, 2024    CMS integrations


The chat box works well in all versions of LibGuides. You can embed simple IFRAMEs, use the chat snippet code as generated from the admin dashboard, or custom JavaScript. Our embedded, pop-up, and follow-me chat box styles all work fine in LibGuides.

Adding chat to a Profile Box

  1. Select Customize Profile for this Page (pencil icon).
  2. Paste your chat snippet into the Chat Widget Code box.
  3. If you have public identities on other IM networks, expand the IM / Network Usernames area and add them.
  4. Click Save Profile.
  5. Refresh page if needed.
  6. Sometimes, additional edits to the profile in LibGuides may disrupt the formatting of the chat snippet. If that occurs, it may be easiest to delete the jumbled code and add back a fresh copy.

Adding chat to other kinds of Boxes

  1. Click Add New Box.
  2. Select Rich Text / Dynamic Content / Scripts for the content type.
  3. Give the Box a name and select its position on the page.
  4. Click add text.
  5. Switch to the Plain Text Editor and paste in your chat snippet.
  6. Click Save and Close.
  7. Refresh page if necessary.

I want to show chat for two separate queues simultaneously

If you're using the chat snippet code as generated from the admin dashboard chat snippet management page, and you want to simultaneously display chat for two or more separate queues, you'll notice that only one will show at a time. This is easy to fix. Please see our doc on displaying multiple chat boxes simultaneously on a single page for details, other alternatives, and sample code.

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