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Do you support SSL?

1526 views   |   Last updated on Mar 26, 2024    security


Yes, we offer SSL at no additional charge.  Encryption is the default option for guest-facing widgets, though you can choose to use non-SSL widgets for your guests if you'd like (you might do this in a very IE-centric environment, if you find the browser complains about "mixed content" when you put an HTTPS widget inside a non-HTTPS library page -- this is mainly a problem with the follow-me style of widget).  SSL is mandatory for all operator access to the server, be it through the webclient for staffing, admin dashboard site, or even an external client.

So, it is safe to say that all communication is encrypted over the wire (we use 4096-bit keys).  This is not the same thing as end-to-end encryption, even if other vendors will throw that buzz-word at you, because messages are decrypted on our server.  We do after all have the capability to save transcripts of your conversations, even though we disable transcripts by default.  On the net, however, your conversations will be safe from eavesdroppers.

Related info: Please see How do I set up off-the-record (OTR) end-to-end encryption (E2EE) for my chat boxes?


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