Want to build your own 24/7 FAQ knowledge base?
LibraryH3lp subscriptions
include unlimited independent internal or public-facing
knowledge bases.
1138 views | Last updated on Mar 20, 2024
LibraryH3lp is the premiere software platform used by libraries, educators, and non-profits for better customer service.
LibraryH3lp reflects years of hands-on customer service experience and feedback from customers just like you. Every aspect is designed for efficiency, flexibility, expansion, and innovation. We believe that excellence doesn't need to come with a big price tag and that libraries, educators, and non-profits deserve quality tools at affordable price points. You get unlimited user accounts, chats, screensharing, email, and knowledge bases with a choice of servers located in North America, Europe, and Asia/Pacific.
Though LibraryH3lp was originally created for libraries, the platform has evolved to address the needs of non-profits and educational organizations.
For example, many university departments beyond the library use LibraryH3lp -- advising, admissions, student services, IT, and peer counseling departments, just to name a few. Does your library use LibraryH3lp? You can share a subscription or set up your own subscription at a reduced rate.