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1186 views | Last updated on Sep 11, 2024 chat
Yes! Look for the guest in your Recent Guests contact list group. Select the guest and send them a new message. This ability lasts for about an hour after you close the chat.
If the guest has navigated away, you will need to enable display of offline contacts. In the webclient, you can click the white gear icon in Guests & Contacts. Then, uncheck "Only show if online." Locate your guest and send a new message, If they return, they'll receive it.
You can use the Recent Guests contacts group to locate and send messages to guests whose chat windows you have already closed. If the guest has navigated away, you can turn on display of offline contacts in Buddies > Show > Offline Buddies.
You can use the Recent Guests contacts group to locate and send messages to guests whose chat windows you have already closed. If the guest has navigated away, you will need to enable display of offline contacts.