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1740 views | Last updated on Jun 04, 2024 proactive 3mail email SMS canned messages notifications texting
At the very top of the 3mail page, there is a search area where you can search through most email metadata fields and message content. By default, the emails in the Inbox are searched.
Example of a search: If you wish to search for emails about interlibrary loans, you could enter the words separately or as a phrase:
By default, both message and subject are searched but you can restrict your search to only subject or body, with or without additional keywords:
You can also use the attachment, tag, sender, recipient, and operator keywords to further restrict search.
You may be thinking to yourself, that's pretty fancy but how am I supposed to remember these keywords three months from now or even tomorrow for that matter? Never fear. That's where advanced search comes in!
Using advanced search, you can get very specific without needing to remember all the nitty gritty details of keywords.
3mail metadata search keywords come with an extra bonus -- most support wildcards. Details are shown above in the "*Supports wildcards" footnote to advanced search.
With the date range options (on/from/to), you can easily search by date, date range, or across all time.
There are handy shortcuts available for the most common date ranges that are relative to the current date.