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What if I don't want an in-page chat option? Can I still use proactive chat invitations?

6366 views   |   Last updated on Jun 13, 2024    proactive


You can have proactive chat invitations with or without a corresponding in-page chat option. 

If you only want a proactive chat invitation with no in-page chat box or button, here's how to configure your chat snippet:

  1. Select a pop-up chat widget style.
  2. For the "Online appearance," remove everything and add an empty span like this:
  3. Configure the proactive chat invitation as desired.
  4. For the "Offline appearance," remove everything and add an empty span like this:
  5. For the "Browser JavaScript disabled / Service error" appearance, remove everything and leave it blank (empty).
  6. Save your new chat snippet and copy/paste its embed code into your web page.


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