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2454 views | Last updated on Dec 05, 2024 FAQ
We leverage the most awesome Font Awesome 3 for FAQ icons. All 249 Font Awesome icons are at your disposal. You may have already seen a few of these in action in the right-sidebar.html template.
One really cool thing about font-based icons - they automatically change color with your theme (unlike images) to match your text color.
You can place icons anywhere you'd like by creating an i element with a class name which is the same as the icon's name. E.g.
<i class="icon-comments-alt"></i>
In fact, you can do all sorts of things with these icons by adding classes to any i element...
<ul class="icons"> <li><i class="icon-ok"></i> Lists</li> </ul>
So just to be a bit silly... Here's how you'd create a large, bordered book icon that spins:
<i class="icon-book icon-large icon-border icon-spin"></i>