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5664 views | Last updated on Jun 05, 2024 chat widget installation
The chat code generated on the Chat Snippets page of the admin dashboard is easy and will work in most circumstances where you want a single pointer into your chat service per web page, or more than one but all with the same appearance.
However, sometimes you might want to put more than one chat option on a single web page, or have buttons for more than one queue at a time, or have different queues in use simultaneously. If you place more than one chat snippet on a page, only one will "win" and place its contents inside the "needs-js" place holders. You can't define a second, different place holder with the default chat snippets.
But never fear! You can still achieve your goal.
You'll still typically use a regular chat snippet for one of your chat options on the page. Then, you can use a different approach to provide the additional chat options on the page. There are a few possibilities for those others:
Note: You can also consider Service Rollover, which allows you to preferentially display a single chat box for one queue over another queue or queues. To be clear, Service Rollover's goal is to show one chat box, while the code on this page is about showing more than one chat box at a time.