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What is a profile?

5433 views   |   Last updated on Feb 05, 2025    queues training staffing


Profiles provide information to assist operators in answering chats.  Profiles can be a handy way to store useful information for your operators. Things like hints for current assignments, shared passwords, URLs for hard-to-locate web pages, and even canned answers for quick copying and pasting can be stored in the queue profile.

Operators can access profile pages from within the webclient for staffing, by clicking the queue avatar within a chat, or by following the chat management link in other clients.

Setting up profiles

To edit profile pages, go to the queues dashboard page (USCAEUSG). Select the queue by clicking on the queue name and then go to the 'Chat' tab. The 'Profile' field is the fifth one down. Add the desired information, including any helpful links. When finished scroll back to the top and 'Save'. 



How staff access profiles

Staff can access profiles on each inbound chat.  In the webclient, selecting either the queue's avatar or the queue's name will display the profile in a floating window.  The profile can optionally be detached into its own page.


Webclient operators optionally have their profiles open in separate windows.  This is configured in their webclient Preferences, by selecting Always open profiles in new tab/window.

Profiles can also be accessed from the webclient's left menu sidebar, for easy access and browsing outside of chatting.


Staff that use external chat clients such as Pidgin, Adium, or a mobile client can access profiles from the chat management link that arrives at the start of each chat.  The chat management link message begins with "For transfers..."

Optional profile variable to "override" the queue

Profile pages can be very useful in collaborative services as a way to provide metadata to operators from other institutions. You can also pass a queue name as an argument in order to display a profile for a queue other than the one the guest is chatting with. For example, the following code will display the profile page for the my-specific-library queue even though the chat is coming in over the our-collaboration queue:



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