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Does chat work with Joomla!?

2343 views   |   Last updated on Jul 12, 2024    chat widget integrations CMS


Yes, chat snippets work with Joomla!, but there are a couple of possible snags:

  1. Make sure that the HTML editor is turned off when inserting chat snippet code.
  2. The RSFirewall! extension will throw in wayward hyphens that can break chat JavaScript.  To work around this, have RSFirewall skip the chat components when verifying for JavaScript injections.  This allows the user to type plain text into an editor.
  3. Our JIDs (Jabber IDs) look like e-mail addresses and Joomla will sometimes insert a spam prevention script into the JIDs.  Using {emailcloak=off} inside Joomla should take care of this, and there are additional suggestions here.


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